Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Israel yang celaka...

Sekarang kita asyik mendengar sekatan israel yang dibuat ke atas gaza bagi melumpuhkan kota gaza dan juga membuatkan gaza terputus hubungan dengan dunia luar.. tindakan yang dibuat israel adalah sangat melampau dan mencetuskan kemarahan penduduk dunia terutama nya penganut agama islam di serata dunia.. kita malaysia tidak terkecuali menyuarakan bantahan terhadap israel.. tetapi apa bole buat.. israel tetap meneruskan tindakan mereka dengan menempatkan anggota komando mereka bagi menyekat bantuan disalurkan kepada gaza.. israel ni bole dikatakan bangsa yang tidak tahu malu.. mereka sebenarnya pelarian y menumpang di palestin.. tetapi di sebabkan mereka adalah orang2 yang pandai.. mereka berjaya menakluk bumi palestin sedikit demi sedikit.. sehingga lah sekarang.. palestin menjadi lebih kecil dari dahulu.. semua nya angkara bangsa israel yang celaka..
diatas adalh kawasan israel dan palestin yng dibuat pada tahun 1993.. cuba kita bayangkan pada thun 2020.. berapa banyak lagi kawasan palestin yang tinggal.. sedangkan dahulu nya israel tidak mempunyai kawasan langsung dan kawasan israel sekarang dahulu nya adalah milik palestin.. betapa kejam nya orang israel terhadap rakyat palestine terutamanya umat islam di sana.. jadi kita disini.. marilah kita bersam-sama mendoakan kesejahteraan rakyat palestine.. amin..

World Cup Fever!!!

Beberapa hari lagi akan menjelanglah piala dunia yang akan diadakan di afrika.. so, x kesa la klao student, worker mahupun ceo2 mnjadi pemalas untuk bgn bekerja atau pg ke kls.. ini semua disebabkan demam piala dunia.. tentu sekali semua orang sedang mencongak pasukan mana yang akan menjulang piala buat edisi kali ini.. here my Champion Wannabe list:

(pasukan terbaik buat masa sekarang)
(mempunyai pemain terbaik dunia.. 1 kelebihan)

(sudah tentu untuk mempertahankan kejuaraan mereka)
(mempunyai ramai pemain berstatus bintang)
(bakal memberi saingan yang sengit)

(pasukan terbaik asia)

(bile la agak nye nk ada lam senarai eh.. p slovakia pun, 11 kali kalah, 3 je mng.. come dude)

Buat pasukan2 lain.. PROVE ME WRONG.. hahaha..

Bersawang, bersepah, berselerak, berhabuk......

Salam.. fuhh.. dh lama x update blog.. ada la dalam sebulan lebih banyak kot.. hee.. semuanye disebabkan rasa malas nk taip email n masukkan password.. (kalau facebook boleh plak kn)... tambah plak xde sgt idea2 dalam kpala otak ni utk diperah msk lam blog.. tapi xpe.. masih lom ada niat nk tutup blog nih walaupun blog ni tercipta  atas dasar assesment bg subjek outdoor recreation masa semester 2 rituh.. emm, ape lg eh nk taruk lam neh.. haa.. skunk aku ngah cuti sem.. 2 bulan beb.. rse mcm nk bwat semua benda.. keje, g melancong, lepak rumah, mkn mknn mak smpai jd belon, jumpe kawan2 lame, mcm2 lg lah.. tp sume tu tr stuck di sebabkan 1 benda jep.. keje.. waa.. gile keje.. tiap ari keje.. isnin smpai sabtu.. ahad je cuti.. mne cukup.. huk2.. dh adat bekerja kot enn.. eh2, tabole ker goyang kaki uma bgn lmbt tiap2 pg.. tp duit msk je lam bank.. hehe.. woke lah sahabat2.. smpai sni dlu lah repetan aku.. nk tido.. esk keje lagi.. :(

Monday, March 15, 2010

Kernmantle Ropes.

Kernmantle rope is rope constructed with its interior core (the kern) protected with a woven exterior sheath (mantle) that is designed to optimize strength, durability, and flexibility

Use as Climbing ropes
The nylon ropes that were used in yachts for hauling were tested and found useful in climbing and caving, and are now the modern standard. Although there are occasional innovations, the type of rope used today is similar in construction, strength, and durability across manufacturers. There are several major manufacturers, including Pigeon Mountain Industries or PMI, Mammut, Sterling, Beal, Edelweiss, Blue Water, Roca, and Maxim. Kernmantle ropes are still used in sailing and other sports, however the technical requirements are usually not as rigorous as in climbing since the applications are not as safety critical. Smaller kernmantle ropes are commonly called cordalette or accessory cord. They are often used to make prusik knots and loops or attaching accessories such as chalk bags.
One or more of the rope characteristics (strength, durability, and flexibility) are often altered somewhat, depending upon the ultimate use of the rope, at the expense of the other properties. For example, rope used in caving is generally exposed to more abrasion than other forms of recreation, so the mantle is woven more tightly than rope used in climbing or rappelling. However, the resulting rope is cumbersome and difficult to tie knots in.
Kernmantle construction may be used with both static and dynamic ropes. Static ropes are designed to allow relatively little stretch, which is most useful for hauling, rappelling, and other applications. Dynamic rope is used to belay climbers, and is designed to stretch under heavy load to absorb the shock of a fallen climber. Dynamic ropes manufactured for climbing are tested by the UIAA. This test involves tying an 80kg weight to the end of a length of rope. This weight is then dropped 5m on 2.7m of rope with the rope running over a rounded surface simulating that of a standard carabiner. This process is repeated until the rope breaks. It is a common misunderstanding to think that the number of drop test falls (as conducted by the UIAA) is the number of real-life climbing falls a rope can sustain before it becomes unsafe. The drop test falls are of extreme severity and it is not often that a real-life climbing fall generates a comparable force. This adds a margin of safety for the climbers who use such ropes.

Ropes Care
Kernmantle rope should be inspected before and after every use for any form of damage. "Boogers," which indicate internal damage to the kern, will appear as tufts of white threads poking out from the mantle. Ropes that have been severely stressed will have tapered sections to the rope, where it is visibly or palpably thinner. Rope that has been abraded or cut on sharp edges should be examined closely by an experienced user who may choose to cut the rope at that point, rather than risk it parting at that area.
Rope may be cleaned by forming it into a chain sinnet, to prevent excessive tangling, and washing it in a front-loading clothes washing machine with soap flakes. Strong cleansers, including bleach and detergent should not be used with life-critical Nylon components. Commercial rope cleaning devices are available from the climbing and rescue companies CMI and PMI.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Abseiling (German: abseilen, "to rope down"), rappelling in American English,[1] is the controlled descent down a rope; climbers use this technique when a cliff or slope is too steep and/or dangerous to descend without protection. Abseiling is used chiefly in British English, while other Anglophone countries, except Australia and New Zealand, use different terms.

The origin of the abseil is attributed to Jean Estéril Charlet, a Chamonix guide who lived from 1840-1925. Charlet originally devised the technique of the abseil (or rappel) method of roping down during a failed solo attempt of Petit Dru in 1876. After many attempts, some of them solo, he managed to summit the Petit Dru in 1879 in the company of two other Chamonix guides, Prosper Payot and Frédéric Folliguet, whom he hired (a rather paradoxical move for a guide). During that ascent, Charlet perfected the abseil.

Ropes: Climbers often simply use their climbing ropes for rappelling. For many other applications, low-stretch rope (typically ~2% stretch when under the load of a typical bodyweight) called static rope is used to reduce bouncing and to allow easier ascending of the rope.

Anchors for rappelling are sometimes made with trees or boulders, using webbing and cordellete, or also with rock climbing equipment, such as nuts, hexes and spring loaded camming devices. Some climbing areas have fixed anchors for rappelling.

A descender or rappel device is a friction device or friction hitch that allows rope to be paid out in a controlled fashion, under load, with a minimal effort by the person controlling it. The speed at which the rappeller descends is controlled by applying greater or lesser force on the rope below the device or altering the angle at which the rope exits the device. Descenders can be task-designed or improvised from other equipment. Mechanical descenders include braking bars, the figure eight, the abseil rack, the "bobbin" (and its self-locking variant the "stop"), the gold tail, and the "sky genie" used by some window-washers and wildfire firefighters. Some improvised descenders include the Munter hitch, a carabiner wrap, the basic crossed-carabiner brake and the piton bar brake (sometimes called the carabiner and piton). There is an older, more uncomfortable, method of wrapping the rope around one's body for friction instead of using a descender, as in the Dulfersitz or Geneva methods used by climbers in the 1960s.

A climbing harness is often used around the waist to secure the descender. A comfortable climbing harness is important for descents that may take many hours.

A prusik might be used as safety back-up.

Helmets are worn to protect the head from bumps and falling rocks. A light source may be mounted on the helmet in order to keep the hands free in unlit areas.

Gloves protect hands from the rope and from hits with the wall. They are mainly used by recreational abseilers, industrial access practitioners, adventure racers and military as opposed to climbers or mountaineers. In fact, they can increase the risk of accident by becoming caught in the descender in certain situations.

Boots or other sturdy footwear with good grips.

Knee-pads (and sometimes elbow-pads) are popular in some applications for the protection of joints during crawls or hits.

Abseiling is used in a number of applications, including:
• Climbing, for returning to the base of a climb or to a point where one can try a new route.
• Recreational abseiling.
• Canyoning, where jumping waterfalls or cliffs may be too dangerous.
• Caving and Speleology, where underground pitches are accessed using this method (Single Rope Technique).
• Adventure racing, where events often include abseiling and other rope work.
• Industrial/Commercial applications, where abseiling techniques are used to access parts of structures or buildings so as to perform maintenance, cleaning or construction, e.g. steeplejacking, window cleaning, etc.)
• Access to wildfires.
• Confined spaces access, such as investigating ballast tanks and other areas of ships.
• Rescue applications, such as accessing injured people or accident sites (vehicle or aircraft) and extracting the casualty using abseiling techniques.
• (Military) Tactical heliborne insertion of troops and special forces into the battlefield close to the objective when proper landing zones are not available. More commonly used in urban warfare scenarios and is increasingly replaced by fast-roping. Typical examples include: insertion into urban environments, boarding (attack) of sea-going vessels and insertion of forces to seize and secure a landing zone in enemy territory (airhead assault).

Safety and Ecological Issues
Abseiling can be dangerous, and presents risks, especially to unsupervised or inexperienced abseilers. According to German mountaineer Pit Schubert, about 25% of climbing deaths occur during rappelling, most commonly due to failing anchors. Another frequent cause of accidents is abseiling beyond the end of the rope.
Abseiling is prohibited or discouraged in some areas, due to the potential for environmental damage and/or conflict with climbers heading upwards, or the danger to people on the ground.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pretty Ugly - Diari Seorang Lelaki

Dari semalam ku tunggu
Fikir kau pulang ke pangkuanku
Ku dengarkan lagu cinta
Pilihan terbaik kita

Kumainkan CD berulang
Lupakan segala ucapan
Perpisahan yang kau pinta

Benar dikau ku cinta setiap detik ku puja
Kau sering perhatiku sambil belai rambutmu
Tak ingin aku lupa kenangan yang tercipta
Berikan aku diari ku tulis setiap hari

Terjaga dari tidurku terima panggilan
dari jauh
Katakan saja kau rindu
Setahun ku hilang arah
Ku tempahkan tiket sehala
Malam ini kitakan bertemu
Tunggu di bawah lampu

Bercinta bersatu bagai Adam dan Hawa
Bergaduh seksa buat kita sempurna
Janganlah dipendam luahkan perasaan
Tiada benci di hati itulah destinasi

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What is Outdoor Recreation??

Outdoor recreation activities have been defined as those activities that:
  • are undertaken outside confines or building
  • do not involve organised competition or formal rules
  • can be undertaken without the existence of any built facility or infrastructure
  • may require large areas of land, water or air
  • may require outdoor areas of predominantly unmodified natural landscape
Facilities, site modification or infrastructure may be provided to manage the impacts generated by the activities. However, outdoor recreation activities can be undertaken without facilities, site modification or infrastructure.

Outdoor recreation activities include (but are not limited to) non-competitive:

  • Ballooning
  • Boating/sailing
  • Bungy jumping
  • Bushwalking
  • Camping
  • Canoeing
  • Canyoning
  • Caving
  • Climbing
  • Conservation activities
  • Cycling
  • Fishing
  • Fossicking/collecting
  • Four-wheel-driving
  • Hang-gliding/para-gliding
  • Horse riding
  • Hunting (recreational)
  • Jet skiing
  • Kayaking (river and sea)
  • Kite flying
  • Motor/trail bike riding
  • Mountain bike riding
  • Nature studies
  • Orienteering
  • Parachuting
  • Picnicking
  • Rafting
  • Rogaining
  • Ropes courses
  • Sailboarding
  • Scuba diving
  • Shooting (recreational)
  • Skateboarding/ rollerblading
  • Skiing (snow): Cross country/Nordic
  • Skiing (snow): Downhill
  • Snorkelling
  • Surfing
  • Touring
  • Waterskiing

It should be noted that activities that involve organised competition based on formal rules are, by definition, sports. Competitive versions of some of the above activities exist.



Sunday, February 28, 2010

Side effect of protein powder.


That small dose of powder that you throw into your favourite shake may seem harmless, but there are lots of protein powder side effects to think about. This is not to say that protein powder doesn’t have its place, but it never hurts to know about both the pros and cons of this ingredient.
For the most part, the side effects of protein powder only occur when this ingredient is used improperly. Realistically, you shouldn’t be ingesting more than 40 grams of protein per meal. In addition, you should never live solely off of protein powder shakes.
Thus, if you skip food altogether, you might be asking for lots of different side effects. Some of these side effects include an upset stomach, kidney stones, and overproduction of acid inside of your stomach. However, if you add protein shakes to a healthy, balanced, diet, you probably won’t experience any side effects.
Aside from those that suffer side effects as a result of improper use, some people may be intolerant of protein powder. Lactose intolerance will often cause discomfort while using protein powder. If you are lactose intolerant, make sure to purchase whey protein isolate.
Isolate does not contain as much lactose as regular protein powder, so this is the best choice for those with lactose issues. If you keep the aforementioned things in mind while you mix those shakes, you shouldn’t be faced with any kind of serious protein problem.
Now that you know about the possible side effects of protein powder, you can decide if this ingredient is something that you want to use. In most cases, protein is relatively harmless, since it is something that they body needs anyway. Still, knowing as much as you can about protein powder is important.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kayaking / Canoeing.


Kayaking is the use of a kayak for moving across water. Kayaking is generally differentiated from canoeing by the sitting position of the paddler and the number of blades on the paddle. A kayak is defined by the International Canoe Federation (the world sanctioning body) as a boat where the paddler faces forward, legs in front, using a double bladed paddle. Almost all kayaks have big decks, however, there are many sit-on-top kayaks, and these boats are growing in popularity. A canoe is defined as a boat where the paddler faces forward and sits or kneels in the boat, using a single bladed paddle. Canoes can be closed deck or open deck.
Whitewater kayaking involves taking a kayak down rapids. Sea kayaking, sometimes referred to as Ocean Kayaking, involves taking kayaks out on to the ocean or other open water e.g., a lake. Sea kayaking can involve short paddles with a return to the starting point or "put-in" or expeditions covering many miles and days. Kayaking of all kinds has continued to increase in general popularity through the 1990s and early 21st century.
Kayaks are classified by their intended use. There are six primary classifications: polo, slalom, whitewater, surf, touring/expedition, light touring/day tripping and general recreation. From these primary classifications stem many sub-classes. For example, a fishing kayak is simply a general recreation kayak outfitted with features and accessories that make it an easier kayak from which to fish. A creek kayak is a certain type of whitewater kayak, designed to handle narrow gully type rivers and falls. Also within these classifications are many levels of performance which further separate the individual models. In other words, not all touring kayaks handle the same.
There are two major configurations of kayaks: "sit on tops" which, as the name suggests, involves sitting on top of the kayak in an open area, and "cockpit style" which involves sitting with the legs and hips inside the kayak hull with a "spray deck" or "spray skirt" that creates a water resistant seal around the waist. Whether a kayak is a sit-on-top or a cockpit style has nothing to do with its classification. Both configurations are represented in each of the five primary classifications. While most kayaks are designed to be paddled by a single person, other configurations include tandem and even triple cockpit boats.
Because of their range and adaptability, kayaks can be a useful mode of transport for other sports such as diving, fishing, and wilderness exploration.

Canoeing is an activity involving a special kind of canoe. When exactly a canoe can be called a kayak is difficult to determine though, and often arbitrary. Internationally, the term canoeing is used as a generic term for both forms though the terms "paddle sports" or "canoe/kayak" are also used. In North America, however, 'canoeing' usually refers only to canoes, as opposed to both canoes and kayaks. Paddling a kayak is also referred to as kayaking.
Open canoes may be 'poled' (punted), sailed, 'lined and tracked' (using ropes) or even 'gunnel-bobbed'.
In modern canoe sport, canoes and kayaks are classified together, although these watercraft have different designs, and historical uses. Both canoes and kayaks may be closed-decked. Other than by the minimum competition specifications (typically length and width (beam) and seating arrangement it is difficult to differentiate most competition canoes from the equivalent competition kayaks. The most common difference is that competition kayaks are always seated and paddled with a double-bladed paddle, and competition canoes are generally kneeled and paddled with a single-bladed paddle. Exceptions include Canoe Marathon (in both European and American competitive forms) and sprint (high kneeling position). The most traditional and early canoes did not have seats, the paddlers merely kneeled on the bottom of the boat. Recreational canoes and kayaks employ seats and whitewater rodeo and surf variants increasingly employ the use of 'saddles' to give greater boat control under extreme conditions.

Dream for a Perfect ABS???

Here have some tips for you guys...
A strong core is essential to correctly perform strength training exercises, to lift a maximum amount of weight and to reduce your risk of injuries. There are many different techniques you can use to vary your core training and avoid a plateau. Here are a few drills to incorporate into your workout.

The first three (10, 9 and 8) are static floor exercises, which require little or no movement; constant tension on your muscles ensures that they are working . Improvement is marked by the increased duration of each exercise or the reduction of your support base.
The following three (7, 6 and 5) are dynamic floor exercises, which are done without weights. They are different from static training because they require movement throughout the exercise.

Exercises 4 and 3 are static Swiss ball exercises. A Swiss ball is unstable, so the main muscles you are working will need the help of supporting muscles to balance you and the ball. Find a medium-sized ball that is fully inflated, but still allows for some give.

Finally, exercises 2 and 1 are dynamic Swiss ball exercises: Movement is required throughout these drills to target the selected muscle groups. 

Number 10


The plank works your entire core and upper- and lower-body muscles. Lie down on your stomach. Lift your body off the floor with your forearms (elbows at 90° degrees) and your toes. Keep your body in a straight position (without arching your back) and hold for 30 seconds to one minute. Lift one foot in the air for added difficulty.

Number 9

Pushup plank

This exercise is the same as the plank, except that you are in a pushup position. The pushup plank works the core, chest and biceps. This is a great exercise to end your workout with; it will fully fatigue almost every muscle in your upper body.

Number 8

V-sit hold

This targets your abdominal muscles and improves your balance. Lie on your back and bend at the waist as you extend your legs and arms into the air to form a “V.” Hold this position for as long as you can.

Number 7

Twisting crunch

This is one of the most effective crunch workouts, as it hits all of your stomach muscle fibers at once. Assume a standard crunch position, raise your torso to a 45° angle, and then twist from side to side. For an advanced movement, extend your legs and pretend to peddle a bicycle while you continue to twist.

Learn to work with a ball and feel like Superman…

Number 6

Lying windmills

This exercise is one of the most challenging. Lie on your back with your arms extended and raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Slowly lower your legs to the side as low as you can while maintaining complete shoulder and back contact with the floor. Bring your legs back up to center and lower them to the other side.

Number 5

Supermans with a twist

Perform a standard Superman: Lie down on your stomach and raise your torso off the floor with your arms extended in front of you (beginners may place their hands behind their head). Here’s the twist: At the top of the raise, twist to one side, return to the center and twist to the other side. Lower your torso to the ground to complete one rep. Hold a two- to five-pound weight for a more advanced movement.

Number 4

Plank on a Swiss ball

This is a variation of the static plank. There are two possible executions: You can place your forearms on the Swiss ball with your feet on the ground or you can place your feet on the ball with your forearms on the ground. Keep your abs and glutes tight, and do not arch your back. Hold this position as long as possible. Move the ball slightly from side to side for an advanced movement.

Number 3

Lying glute pushup

The lying glute pushup targets your butt and back muscles. Lie on your back with your feet resting on top of a Swiss ball. Push through your heels to raise your butt off the floor as high as possible. Form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold this position for 60 seconds.

Number 2

Ball roll-ins

Ball roll-ins target your central abdominal muscles. Place your hands on the ground and the top of your feet on top of the ball. Keep your hands in place and bend at the knees to bring the ball toward your chest. Hold this position for a second and roll back out. Focus on squeezing your abs throughout the movement; do not use your hip flexors to bring the ball toward you.

Number 1

Stiff-legged V bends

This is exactly the same as the ball roll-ins, but you must keep your knees straight and move your hips toward the ceiling. The focus of this drill is completely on the abs; you should be able to feel a strong medial contraction.

to the core of the matter

These are some of the best core training exercises. They help create a more complete workout because they target one specific muscle and often call synergistic muscles into play. Choose a drill from each group to use during every abdominal workout and you will be a step ahead of the rest.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Uprising - MUSE


The paranoia is in bloom, the PR
The transmissions will resume
They'll try to push drugs
Keep us all dumbed down and hope that
We will never see the truth around
(So come on!)

Another promise, another scene, another
A package not to keep us trapped in greed
With all the green belts wrapped around our minds
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined
(So come on!)

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious

Interchanging mind control
Come let the revolution take its toll if you could
Flick the switch and open your third eye, you'd see that
We should never be afraid to die
(So come on!)

Rise up and take the power back, it's time that
The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that
Their time is coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious

Hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious

Hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!

Rindukan sesuatu..

fuhh.. jujur aku ckap. aku betol2 rindu nk duduk atas bende tuh dan kayuh dengan penuh semangat sampai x cukup nafas.. bila lah aku dapat lagi buat mcm tu.. Hope soooooo....

Ramli Sarip live at Shahputra College.

Venue  = Auditorium Kolej Shahputra
Time    = 3.00 pm
Date     =3 March 2010
Fee       =RM 5.00 per person

Expose de Scene 2010!!!

Porosus Team (Team Buaya)
(gambar tak termasuk Haziq)

Expose de scene adalah nama bagi perkhemahan akhir untuk subjek rekriasi luar semester 2 pelajar pengajian sukan. Kem ini diadakan di Kem Murni, KG Jahang Gopeng Perak. Kem ini diadakan selama 6 hari bermula 13-18 februari 2010. Antara pelajar-pelajar yang terlibat dalam perkhemahan ini ialah pelajar UITM dari kampus Shahputra, Shah Alam, Jengka dan Instedt. Jumlah pelajar semasa kem ini ialah sebanyak 123 orang. Kem ini dijayakan secara kerjasama dari Pembimbing Rekriasi Luar UITM (PERLU). Semasa kem ini dijalankan, banyak aktiviti- aktiviti yang dijalankan seperti caving, tubing, camp craft, low ropes course, navigation dan survivor. Dalam banyak2 aktiviti yang dijalankan, aktiviti tubing adalah yang menarik dan seronok. Ini kerana aktiviti ini melibatkan air. Jadi kami yang memang jarang2 dapat mandi semasa  kem ini berlangsung dapatlah mengambil peluang mandi sambil beraktiviti. Antara pengalaman yang tidak dapat dilupakan adalah semasa hari pertama. Kami dipanggil untuk makan selepas semua penat mendirikan tapak perkhemahan. Dengan perut yang sangat lapar. Memang otak hanya fikirkan makanan. pada masa itu aku makan bersama sam dan haziq seingt aku. menu malam itu ialah nasi goreng dan sup sayur. memang sedap klao perut tgh lapar. tp yang sedap nya lagi apabila memandang sup itu ada makanan tambahan. katak. sesedap hati die je berenang2 dlam sup kami. x tau ble die singgah di situ. tp ape bole bwat. sup dh dituang ke dalam nasi. dengan perut yang sangat lapar. kami lupekan pasal katak dan makan dengan hati yang girang. memang sedap. terima kasih kepada sesapa yang masak. blurrpp... pangalaman yang paling best ialah semasa aktiviti tubing. itu adalah pengalaman pertama aku. melunsur sana, melunsur sini.. fuh.. bebas beb. tp keselamatan tetap kena jage. mase aktiviti ni aku hanya 3 kali jatuh. permulaan yang baik.. tu pun sebab x pandai lagi nak seimbangkan badan. perkara buruk juga ada berlaku. tapi bukan kat aku. ia terjadi kat team mate aku. lapo sangat agaknya. makanan hape ntah yang die telan. orang suruh bwat test n saba.. die terus g telan. kan dah gedabak bibir ko. tapi x pe.. itulah pengalaman. pengalaman mengajar kita. hee.. ape2 pun memang banyak yang kami belajar semasa kem ini. sangat berguna untuk kegunaan masa hadapan. thank to all............

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Final Camp!!

esk akan bermula lah final camp yang akan diadakan di kem murni Gopeng Perak.. agak jauh tempat yang dituju.. tapi x pe.. jauh perjalanan luas pengetahuan.. harap semasa di sana kami diberi tunjuk ajar yang sebaik nya dan dilayan sama adil di atas prinsip 1Malaysia.. kami juga telah bersiap sedia dari segi fizikal dan juga mental... puas seminggu lebih menyiapkan peralatan untuk ke sana.. setakat ini dulu coretan untuk post kali ni.. tunggu cerita yang lebih menarik selepas kami kembali dari Gopeng Perak nanti pada 18 Februari ini.. See ya..

20th birthday!!!

tepat 9 februari 2010, genaplah usia ku 20 tahun.. fuh, mcm x percaya lak aku dah 20 tahun.. maka dengan itu.. banyaklah dugaan dan cabaran yang aku kena hadapi pas ni...dah besar kan.. hee.. birthday aku kali ni, mcm birthday2 lepas.. aku buat ilex je.. bajet2 x nak org tao.. hee.. tapi ade jgk yang tahu.. tape la... x kesa sgt.. sbb x kena ape2.. tgu ke mlm.. still mcm biase.. buat ilex.. n then pas mkn pe sume.. dlm pukul 10.. jeng2.. terdengar lagu yang bez buat mase sekarang.. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.. ah, sudah.. coz ramai jugak la teman2 aku di situ.. tapi x pe.. stil ilex.. last2.. puk.. yess.. cream dah hinggap di muke.. 
birthday cake... (kek yang sedap)

birthday boy.. (actually it a man)

pelahap sungguh..

thank yeah..

Monday, February 1, 2010

selamat menjalani hukuman di hutan...

alhamdulillah.. selamat jugak aku selesaikan intro kem yang dibuat di hutan simpan uitm jengka.. banyak jugak pengalaman yang aku dpt.. aku sampai kuantan pukul 12 tgh mlm..esknya tak pegi kelas.. hehe.. tp penat gile lah kt sane.. memang kena kuatkan mental kat sane.. nsb baik la aku dilahirkan dengan mental yang bagus dan waras.. wee..  tapi malangnya aku tak dapat bawak blk gambar2 kenangan dari sana sebab gadget terpakse di serahkan.. wuaa.. cume cerita sahaja yang ade.. ok lah.. ni juz intro untuk entry yang laen sal perkhemahan ni.. nantikan episod seterusnya.. (nak tido.. x cukop tido)...

Friday, January 29, 2010

pergi meninggalkan semua kesenangan untuk mencari kesusahan di sana!!!

perghh.. esk dh nk g intro camp kt hutan simpan uitm jengka.. agk gelojoh dan berhati2 jugak lee untuk ke sana.. sbb nye byk khabar2 menyatakan yang kalau camp skali dengan budak kampus laen ni agak macam neraka.. tapi x kisah laa.. saye kan kuat.. haha.. acteli camp ni gabung skali dengan budak2 uitm shah alam, jengka dan instedt.. pa pe pon.. kite enjoy..

Monday, January 25, 2010

All The Right Moves by One Republic

All the right friends
In all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got all the right moves
In all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

Let's paint the picture
Of the perfect place
They've got it better then when anyone's told ya
They'll be the King of Hearts, and your the Queen of Spades
Then we'll fight for you like we were your soldiers

I know we've got it good
But they've got it made
And the grass is getting greener each day
I know things are looking up, but soon they'll take us down
Before anybody's knowing our name

They've got...

All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got
All the right moves in all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

Do you think I'm special?
Do you think I'm nice?
Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces?
Between the noise you hear, and the sounds you like
Are we just sinking in the ocean of faces?
It can't be possible... the rain can fall
Only when it's over our heads.
The sun is shining everyday, but it's far away.
Over the world that's dead.

They've got, they've got...

All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got
All the right moves in all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down
(Repeat Once)

They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

It don't matter what you see
I know I could never be
Someone that'll look like you.
It don't matter what you say
I know I could never fake
Someone that could sound like you.

All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got
All the right moves in all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down
(Repeat once)

They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

Yeah, we're going down(repeat twice)

All the right moves... heeey
Yeah we're going down
They say
All the right moves... heeey
Yeah we're going down

Friday, January 22, 2010

kelas ikatan bersama mr Ikbal n en mus....

kelas outdoor rini kami belajor sal ikatan y penting as persediaan utk g kem hujung minggu neh.. hurm.. kem y slame neh agk kecoh2 at last dpt gak tempat die n date.. kami buat kt jengka pada 29-31 januari.. minggu dpn lee tuh.. pape pon, ni antra jenis2 ikatan y blajor td..

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kelas Vokal bersama Mdm Suezana

yeah.. klz pg td adalah kelas yang paling besh setakat ni bg sem ni.. fuh.. kelas bell 260 bertukar menjadi kelas vokal gara2 soalan yang mmg sekarang neh menjadi perbualan hangat di radio2 kiter.. soalan nye berbunyik lebeh kurang mcm neh "knape lagu2 indon banyak sgt skunk neh kt radio".. lebeh kurang cenggitu lee soklan die.. so 1 group kene sokong.. lg 1 group kne bangkang.. disertai dengan lagu tema masing2.. maksud die, 1 lagu mas kite.. 1 lagu indon.. tp, last skali.. tentulah group aku y mng kn.. (jgn marah eh.. ni blog aku).. hik2.. pas kelas bell.. gap 4 jam.. ape lg.. blk tdo lee.. 2.30 bru msk kls blk.. kelas calculus.. mean aku quiz calculus y b4 neh aku mention kn.. nsb boleh buat.. thx buddy.. hehe.. n last skali td kelas arobik.. fuyoh.. besh gak eh earobik neh.. spe2 yg mempunyai pandangan yg agk terpesong dgn erobik neh. aku suggest kn ko x yah la hidup lg.. pg mampus lg bgs.. sbb x reti nk bezakan yg baek dgn x.. mean aku utk kesihatan bdn eh.. huhu.. pape pon cant wait fer nex week.. second class tok erobik..